Cumberland River Victims Services
Educational Programs
We are available to provide the following educational programs.
Cumberland River Victims Services Educational Programs
If your class or group has a need that is not covered in the list, please feel free to reach out to us to discuss what we can provide. If you have questions or need to schedule a program, please call our administrative office at (606) 528-5286.

Safe and Unsafe Touching (K – 3rd Grade)
This program teaches children to recognize the differences between safe and unsafe touches. It also helps children to understand what to do if someone touches them or asks them to do something in a way that makes them uncomfortable.
Internet Safety (All Grades)
This program provides age appropriate information on the tactics of internet sexual predators, addresses sexual exploitation and solicitation, and explains effective safety practices.
Bullying/Cyberbullying (Grades K – 8th)
Many children today are victims of bullying and cyberbullying. This program will teach children how to deal with bullies and use respect to get along with others.
Healthy Relationships (Grades 6th – 12th)
This program teaches students to differentiate between harassment and mutual respect, utilize effective communication and negotiation skills to prevent and resolve conflicts, and to recognize the components of a healthy relationship.
Adult Programs
Many programs for professional and community groups are available. Contact our administrative office at (606) 528-5286 to discuss topic development and questions.